The purpose of the Raindrop is to stimulate every organ, muscle and bone of the body at a cellular level through the use of high frequency essential oils that support the immune system; bringing the body into structural and electrical balance. It enables the release of toxins or unhealthy cells wherever they may be lodged in the body, including those illnesses lodged in the mind and emotions. Raindrop is a non-secular art and science.
Oils are applied to the feet, back and spine. It is a form of aromatherapy developed in the 1980's by D. Gary Young as he worked with a Lakota Indian elder. It incorporates certain Native American concepts, including "feather stroking" or "effleurage".
Vita Flex maneuvers adapted from traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture, acupressure, and reflexology are also used along specific meridians, or reflex points. Utilizing the fact that the human skin is piezoelectric (can conduct electricity from pressure and heat), a voltage is generated and electric charges move accordingly providing therapeutic value.
Anecdotal Studies have shown that Raindrops are beneficial for:
-Detoxification -Scoliosis & Sciatica Pain -Lowering Blood Pressure
-Arthritis Relief -Alleviating Migraines/Headaches -Lowering Cholesterol
-Insomnia Help -Relieving Allergies -Respiratory Congestion/Asthma
-Depressed Mood -Mobility -Mitigation Of Chemotherapy Side Effects
-Foot Pain -Unresolved Emotions -Epstein Bar, Bell's Palsy & MS
::Ten oils are used for a Raindrop::
White Angelica, Valor, Oregano, Thyme, Basil, Wintergreen, Marjorm, Cypress, Ortho Ease, and Peppermint::
::It Takes About 90 minutes::
::You will lie on a massage table::
::The Facilitator will need access to your feet and your spine, so clients are under a blanket::
::The skin may develop a tingle and can turn red, however, this is normal and does not cause pain::
::After the oils have been applied and worked into the tissue a hot compress is applied to the spine::
::You WILL feel differently from the inside out!::
Dr. David Stuart, PhD
After Raindrop my chronic plantar fasciitis was totally gone for three or four days. I had it for two years with periodic slight improvement. I also felt a healing in general that I can not explain. Slept wonderful for the next couple of nights and that is not my history to sleep well.
I have received Raindrop 20 times. I felt like I was doing something very good for my body. My circulation has improved dramatically, my feet are no longer cold all the time. If this wonderful technique was ever stopped, I would still find a way to do Raindrop, even in my own home.
I have had scoliosis since I was eleven [with] a 55 degree curve at 42 years of age. I was in constant pain. After four treatments done in one month I was out of pain and my curve in now at 42 degrees. Oils have become a way of life for me and my family because it works.
With Occiptal Pull
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~Precious treasure and oil remain in the house of the wise.~ Prov.21:20